Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Organization || Using a Planner

Hi Everyone!

With school back in full swing, today I am going to be sharing with you tips and tricks on staying organized. I know that for me staying organized is key in making sure that I complete everything that I need to during the week. With school, sorority events, social life, homework, and along with a little me time, staying organized is the only way I am able to make all of those things work harmoniously throughout the week. The only way I am able to keep track of things is by using a planner. 

Let's Get Started!

The first thing you are going to need is a planner. I am well aware that a lot of people have trouble actually using planners and in high school I never did. I loved the though and idea of using a planner and always had one but never religiously used it. When I got to college though, two years ago, my planner became my life. Here are a few tips that I have on getting yourself to actively use a planner. 

1. This may seem silly but purchase a planner you enjoy looking at. (An example for me is that I love my Lilly Pulitzer Agenda. I know they can be a bit higher priced but in the end I think it's worth it because I use it)

2. Take it everywhere! (Work, school) Get a size you can carry in your purse or bag that you bring around so that if something you need to remember comes up you can write it down right away.

3. Write everything in it. I like to say my planner is basically a journal because I don't have just homework I write things I need to do during the day (i.e. call and make pedicure appointment, hanging out with so and so) This way you are taking it out and looking at it much more often. 

4. Bored in class? I can sit for hours and write things in my planner. Take it out and look at it, it will get you accustomed to using it much more frequently. 

If you already use a planner or are still getting into it here are a few tips on staying organized within your planner. Because sometimes they can become a jumbled mess of words.

At the beginning of this year I bought a bunch of different color pens thinking that I would color code my planner in the way since many people do. What I found out quickly is that I do not always have the color pen I need at all times so I have come up with a solution for that.


I color code my planner with highlighters. This way I can use any pen that I have available. I will later when I have my highlighters handy go through and color code what I have written down. It makes things so much easier!

I also use sticky notes. I put a sticky note in my planner and write on it the the things that I need to get done that week. I typically write due dates in my planner so say something is due in two weeks I will write on the sticky note the two preceding weeks that I need to get it done.

Once I have things completed I check them off. Checking things off is actually a really good feeling and when I look at my planner on Sundays and see everything checked off I feel accomplished knowing I got everything needed for the week done. 

Thank you so much for taking a look and reading!
Like I said leave me a comment down below, I love reading them!

| Rachel |

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