Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Dorm Room Tour (My Life Wednesday)

Hi Everyone!

So here is my first real post in about a week. I have been wanting to do a dorm tour for a while but finally have cleaned up my room and taken pictures before it gets messy again. I will be in my apartment/dorm until May which is when I get to move into an actual apartment! I am so excited and will make sure that I show you my decorating for there. Anyways...

Let's Get Started!

This is my door that leads out to the hallway of my apartment/dorm. I have hung a shoe rack on the back to make use of space and I think it works well and then you also can't see it when the door is open. But either way I don't think it looks cluttered but instead neat. 

To the side of my door on the towel rack I have a hand towel hung up. I do not keep my shower towels here, I keep those hung up on the rack in the bathroom. I also have a hair styler holder here that I keep them in because it can be used when they are still hot. 

Turning a little bit you will run into my desk which I love. As you can see I have a picture board that I made myself that is full of pictures and then a lamp, picture frame, laptop, and Lilly planner.

Taking a closer look I have a mason jar that I DIYed myself that is full of pens and then right next to that some sticky notes. My favorite thing here is my Harry Potter daily calendar and then a cute precious moments next to it that my Grandpa gave to me for Christmas.

On the corner of my desk I have a few books that I think are far to pretty to just keep in a drawer. 

In the front drawer is office supply's that I reach for often. Along with my blog planner, mini notebook, and a book.

Taking another turn you will run into my closet. I hate the closet doors they are an ugly yellow so I hung up a black curtain to cover them up and I think it makes the room look pretty. 
The little sign I have on my closet door my little gave to me and it says, "The best thing about having a sister is that you always have a friend." Isn't that so cute!

This is my closet and it is busting at the seams I don't think I have room for anymore items. I color coordinate hangers to me it looks better then mixing hangers so for example all of my tank tops are on gray hangers. Down below I also have my extra shoes that cannot fit into the thing behind my door. I also keep my laundry basket in there. The baskets up on the top shelf have things like sports bras and socks in them.

This is my jean drawer. I keep my jeans in a drawer because they take up so much room when you hang them up and I also do not have room for them anyways.

This is my jammie drawer. I keep shorts I sleep in and pajama tops in here. I also have sweatpants and yoga pants in here. It's all my comfy clothes!

The bottom drawer I have scarves in. I used to have them on a hanger in my closet but it was too bulky and this also makes it easier to rummage through scarves when tying to find one.

This is an overview of my two dressers. I get ready here in the morning so I have a black stool there and all my daily makeup stuff out.

I have my big statement necklaces hung up because I think they look pretty and I like to see them. The rest of my jewelry I have in a thing that is hung up in my closet with little pockets.

A closer look.

I thought that the perfumes just looked to pretty in this not to have it out and alongside my most worn and favorite jewelry pieces. I have my Fossil watch, Pandora Charm Bracelet, pearl earrings, and my Chi Omega pin. They are in what I think is a candle holder but it is still super cute.

This is an overview at the end of my bed where I have all my bags hung up. It is not my favorite but I had no where else to put them.

Finally this is my bed. I have two cute little decorative pillows that my friends made me and then a string of lights with pictures which I think is cute. I also love my curtains! One thing that is great is that I can open my blinds and I still get sunlight in because they are sheer like but, from outside no one can see in and it just looks black. 

That is the end of my dorm tour and I hoped that you liked it. I am always looking for decorative ideas so if you have any posts relating to home decor link them down below because I would love to see!

Thank you so much for reading and taking a look!
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1 comment:

  1. Your dorm room is really pretty! I can't wait to move into dorm next fall <3
    ~Makaela at


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