Sunday, December 15, 2013

My Top 5 Favorite Things About the Holidays (Bonus Post Sunday)

Hi Everyone!

With the Holidays rapidly approaching I thought I would share with you a few of my favorite things about the Holidays. Tomorrow at 1:30 marks the official start of my holiday break which I will be on until January 13. Going home and relaxing without worrying about homework and tests will be a nice break. I also cannot wait to meet up with my friends from home. Hot chocolate, secret Santa, and desserts are on a list of things for us to do one night and I am so excited! Well, without further adieu..

Let's Get Started

Spending Time With My Family

Around the holidays I find myself spending more time than usual with my family. On Christmas Eve the tradition on my dads family side involves us all gathering at one of our houses, having dinner, Santa coming, opening presents, and catching up on the events going on in our lives. 

Decorating and Eating Sweet Treats

Every year my mom and I, mostly her, make and decorate cookies. I love the smell of freshly baked treats throughout the house. Home-made Oreo cookies are by far my favorite cookie to eat. Iced sugar cookies are my favorite to decorate especially the Christmas tree shaped ones. This year we are including Spritz cookies in out array and cannot wait for those. 

Ornaments and Decorating the Tree

I am not one for actually decorating the tree but I do love to look at all of the ornaments that my family as accumulated over the years. Every year I receive the new Barbie ornament and my brother gets a Scooby Doo ornament. This year at Hallmark they have the most amazing Harry Potter ornament. It is the castle and when you press a little button it plays the Harry Potter theme music. I want that ornament so bad!

Little Kids and Cute Kitty's

When we have Christmas Eve at one of my aunt or uncles places like I mentioned previously I love watching the little kids. It is tradition that at one point in the night all the kids go up into one room and pretend to be asleep so that Santa will come. Then one of the adults will pretend to be Santa and talk and laugh. Then when he leaves all the kids are allowed to come downstairs and there are there presents from Santa. It is truly magical and priceless to see them and there reactions up in the room, which I still get to be in because I will always be a child. 

Also my little kitty cat, who really cannot be classified as a kitty anymore, is adorable. When opening our presents she plays with paper and I cannot resist putting a bow on her or wrapping ribbon around her neck as a collar. 


Gifts are always apart of Christmas. I love to Christmas shop for other people and give them gifts. This year I have gotten so much joy out of giving perfect gifts to people. To my big, little, roommates, and coming up my secret Santa and brother. Of course I love receiving gifts and love opening presents myself, who doesn't. 

Thank you so much for reading and taking a look!

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  1. I love this post! I love the holiday season so much! My family has a similar Christmas Eve gathering and it's always so much fun because it's the pretty much the only time we're all ever together anymore :)

    Ivy xx
    Style Life Lovely

  2. Lovely post! What I like most of Christmas is family gatherings too. I wish it could be Christmas all year round :))

    Jasmine For a Real Woman

  3. Lovely pics and words.

    Lulu -


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